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Omega 3: What role does it play on hormones and metabolism?

oméga 3
Omega-3s are essential fatty acids crucial to our health. They play a vital role in various physiological functions, positively impacting the brain, heart and immune system.

What is Omega 3?

We hear a lot about Omega 3, which are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids that our body cannot produce on its own.

If you wish to obtain them, it is essential to include them in your diet by using dietary supplements such as fish oils in capsule or capsule form.

These essential fatty acids are crucial to our health. They play a role in various physiological functions that have a positive impact on the brain, heart and immune system.

By influencing hormones and metabolism, they help reduce dry mucous membranes, reduce inflammation and improve emotional balance. We have deciphered for you their importance and the best ways to incorporate them into your diet.

The different types of omega-3

Omega 3 ALA (alpha-linolenic acid ALA)

omega 3 ALA

Apha-linolenic acid is the plant form of omega-3. It is found mostly in linseed, walnuts and rapeseed oil. Our bodies can’t synthesize ALA, so it’s important to get it from our diet. It helps maintain a healthy immune system.

Omega 3 EPA ( eicosapentaenoic acid EPA )

omega 3 EPA

Eicosapentaneoic acid has anti-inflammatory properties. It is found mainly in oily fish such as salmon and sardines. EPA benefits inflammation, cognitive performance and cardiovascular disease. It is essential in preventing depressive symptoms and anxiety.

Our recipe for fresh salmon salad to optimize your omega-3 intake “.

Omega 3 DHA (docosahexaenoic acid DHA)

omega 3 DHA

Docosahexaenoic acid is also found in oily fish and seaweed! It is particularly effective on the nervous system and brain. It acts specifically on cell membranes, enabling better neuronal connections. In sufficient quantities, it improves memory and stimulates intellectual development, so we understand its preventive effect on neurodegenerative diseases.

During pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to eat foods rich in DHA to promote healthy fetal development. Through breastfeeding, the newborn can obtain a source of DHA that will help its cognitive development. However, it is advisable to monitor supplementation during pregnancy.

You can see why it’s important to take omega-3s such as DHA and EPA directly, to take full advantage of their effects on the nervous and cardiac systems.

Omega 3 benefits

It’s easy to understand that omega-3s play a global role in our bodies. At any age, it’s essential to have a sufficient intake throughout the year, whether you’re a child, an adult or a senior citizen, and even more so when you’re pregnant! The most important thing to remember about the benefits of essential fatty acids is..:

  • DHA: Contributes to the normal functioning of your cognitive system.
  • Duo DHA and EPA: Strong interaction in your cardiovascular function.

Omega 3 brain benefits

With a composition of over 65% fats, and DHA in particular, we can see the benefits they can have on your memory and the prevention of many mental disorders.

Omega 3 hair benefits

Many hair care products contain DHA, which acts directly on the hair follicles, making your hair stronger, more robust and more moisturized.

Overall benefits

Overall, whether for children, teenagers, athletes or pregnant women (under the supervision of their doctor), the benefits of omega-3 are considerable. Some studies have even shown a reduced risk of premature delivery in pregnant women. Pregnancy is a high-risk period, so it’s essential to take dietary supplements with care, especially during this period.

Omega-3-rich foods

It becomes interesting to ask which food sources contain omega-3 fatty acids in quantity.

Pisces :

  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Herring
  • Sardines
  • Tuna

These fish are very rich in EPA and DHA.

Vegetable oils:

  • Linen
  • Walnuts
  • Algae
  • Certain green vegetables

They are good sources of ALA, but do not provide EPA and DHA.

For a complete and precise list of foods rich in ALA, EPA and DHA, ANSEES provides a specific table dedicated to this subject.

It’s difficult to put a number on how much omega 3 to consume, as it varies from one individual to another depending on different factors. The French National Agency for Health and Food Safety (ANSEES) recommends a recommended daily intake of 500mg of EPA and DHA for optimal heart function. This is equivalent to two portions of fish per week.

Regular intake of omega-3s is the most important factor, given their numerous health benefits:

  • improved brain function
  • normal cardiac function
  • boosting the immune system
  • well-being for skin and eyes
  • joints and hormone balances
  • contributes to fetaldevelopment for pregnant women

What role do omega-3s play in metabolism?


Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in metabolism, the set of chemical reactions essential to the proper functioning of our bodies. They are particularly important for hormone regulation, mucous membrane hydration, lipid metabolism, inflammation management, brain and mental health, and skin problems.

Hormonal regulation

Omega-3s influence hormone production through two main hormones: insulin and thyroid hormones. Insulin plays a vital role in blood glucose regulation. Omega-3s will improve this insulin sensitivity, promoting better weight and diabetes management.

Thyroid hormones control basal metabolism, i.e. energy expended at rest. Supporting the synthesis of thyroid hormone activity stimulates metabolism and thermogenesis.

Dry mucous membranes

Our mucous membranes need to be moisturized (eyes, mouth, vagina), and omega-3s are essential for their hydration. A good intake of omega-3 fatty acids is essential for their barrier function. Preventing and alleviating dry mucous membranes caused by age, menopause, certain medications or dehydration reduces the risk of infection and irritation.

The role of Omega 3 in lipid metabolism

Lipid metabolism is positively affected by omega-3 intake, notably by regulating blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. They help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and increase HDL (good) cholesterol. They also reduce triglyceride levels, helping to prevent cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and heart attacks.

Inflammation and immune response

Their anti-inflammatory properties aim to reduce inflammation, whether acute or chronic, by modulating the production of molecules linked to inflammation such as :

  • prostaglandins
  • cytokines

thus relieving symptoms and limiting damage. These beneficial effects extend to inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and asthma. By strengthening the immune response, omega-3 protects the body from various pathogens.

Brain and mental health

omega 3 brain

Omega 3 plays a crucial role in brain and mental health, being an essential component of neuronal cell membranes. They effectively support the functioning of synapses, essential for neuronal communication.

These essential fatty acids facilitate the transmission of electrical and chemical signals, fundamental to cognitive processes such as memory, learning and concentration.

Omega 3s also have a positive impact on depression and anxiety, mood disorders often caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. They help to rebalance these substances, improving mood, motivation and emotional state.

Skin problems

Contributing to skin hydration, omega 3 is essential for the largest organ in the human body. A good dose of fatty acids is necessary to preserve the skin’s elasticity, suppleness and resistance.

They play a preventive and curative role against skin problems, including dryness, wrinkles, redness, and inflammations such as eczema, psoriasis and acne.

How can you incorporate Omega 3 into your diet?

To reap the full benefits of omega-3s, it’s crucial to incorporate them regularly and in a balanced way into our diet. Omega 3s come from two main sources: food and supplements.

Omega 3-rich foods

Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and tuna are among the best sources of omega 3, offering EPA and DHA, essential for our bodies.

We recommend eating two servings of oily fish a week, equivalent to around 500 mg of EPA and DHA a day. Opt for high-quality, sustainably caught fish.

Vegetable oils, although sources of omega 3, contain mainly ALA, which requires conversion into EPA and DHA by the body. As this conversion is low, it’s best to choose oils with a good omega 3/omega 6 balance, such as rapeseed, walnut or camelina oil. Consume these oils raw to avoid their degradation by heat.

A daily intake of 2 g of ALA is recommended, equivalent to two tablespoons of rapeseed or walnut oil. Flaxseed, walnuts, seaweed and certain green vegetables can also provide ALA and supplement omega-3 intake, although they do not cover EPA and DHA requirements.

Omega 3-rich oils

Omega-3-rich dairy products

Use of supplements

Omega-3 supplements are an accessible alternative method of integrating EPA and DHA into our diet, especially for those who don’t regularly eat fish. Fish oil capsules, especially those rich in DHA and EPA, are particularly recommended for specific populations such as pregnant women, as they contribute to the proper development of the fetal nervous system. Pregnant women should ensure that they consume at least 250 mg of DHA per day, in line with the Recommended Dietary Allowance.

skin and hair essentials

All your Omega 3 EPA/DHA needs in 1 pipette/day

For those looking for a practical alternative, omega-3 supplements such as

[MY] ESSENTIELS SKIN & HAIR offers a solution enriched with EPA and DHA, and completed with omega-3-rich algae oil (EPA/DHA), a complex of patented oils (wheat, borage, saw palmetto, Scots pine, rye) and vitamins C and E, as well as essential fatty acids such as Omega 7.

Before opting for omega-3 supplements, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional to avoid possible drug interactions. Selecting high-quality products is also crucial, by checking their origin, composition, dosage and purity. Quality labels such as Epax or Ifos can help guarantee product safety and efficacy.


Omega-3s are crucial to our well-being, playing a leading role in various aspects of health such as metabolism, hormone regulation, mucous membrane hydration, blood lipid control, inflammation reduction, as well as supporting brain and mental health, not to mention their impact on skin problems.

To reap their full benefits, it’s essential to include them in our diets, giving priority to sources such as oily fish, vegetable oils, flaxseed and walnuts, among others.

However, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before starting any supplement, to ensure that it is suitable for your needs. Always opt for high-quality products, certified by recognized labels such as Epax or Ifos. Don’t wait to enrich your diet with omega 3 and boost your metabolism!

Can I take magnesium and omega-3 together ?

There are no contraindications to taking omega and magnesium supplements at the same time. However, you must respect the recommended daily intake and not exceed it.

How much omega-3 should I take every day ?

The recommended daily allowance for ALA is 2g/day for men and 1.6g/day for women. The recommended daily intake of DHA is 120 mg/day for men and 100 mg/day for women. The daily dose and requirements can be increased on the advice of your doctor.

When to take Omega 3 ?

To limit reflux and ensure better assimilation, it’s best to take your omega-3s with meals. Certain foods, such as fish, are richer, so eat them at lunchtime. If you want to spread out your intake, you can take supplements in the morning and eat normally throughout the day to reach your daily intake.

What are the contraindications to taking omega-3 ?

Fish or seafood allergies: People with fish or seafood allergies should avoid taking omega-3 supplements.
Coagulation disorders: Omega-3s can affect blood coagulation. People suffering from coagulation disorders or taking anticoagulant medication should consult a physician.

Which oil contains the most omega-3 ?

Flaxseed oil unquestionably has the highest omega-3 content! In fact, it can contain up to 50% omega 3, compared with walnut oil, which contains just 12%.



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