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How do you find your way around the world of dietary supplements in France?

How do you find your way around the world of dietary supplements in France?

Food supplements have become a booming market in France, offering a multitude of products that claim to improve health, well-being and vitality. However, navigating this diverse range of supplements can be confusing, even risky. Finding your way around effectively is essential to making informed, safe choices when it comes to dietary supplements.

Here’s a guide to help you navigate this complex landscape.

What are dietary supplements?

According to French legislation, a dietary supplement is a foodstuff whose purpose is to supplement a normal diet. They come in various forms: tablets, capsules, liquids, powders, etc. These products are intended to provide vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect.


How can I be sure of the quality and safety of food supplements?

Check marketing authorizations: In France, food supplements must be notified to the relevant authorities, such as the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation (ANSES) or the Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes (DGCCRF). The presence of an identification number on the packaging is a good sign of compliance.
Check labels: Food supplement labels must contain essential information such as the list of ingredients, quantity per dose, precautions for use, shelf life, and any specific warnings.
Opt for “Made in France” and check brand certification: When choosing dietary supplements, opting for Made in France products offers several advantages. In addition to supporting the local economy, it often guarantees rigorous quality standards. Also, check the labels or certifications on the packaging to ensure product reliability and traceability.
Check reviews: Checking product reviews is very important, so consider looking at several different sites that offer verified reviews (Trustpilot, Avis Vérifiés…) and also check where the product is distributed (pharmacy, parapharmacy, supermarkets…) as well as reviews on distribution platforms.

Optimize composition: fewer plants = better doses: Too many plants in a dietary supplement can have undesirable antagonistic effects. The key lies in a balanced composition with adequate doses. Choose formulas with fewer herbs but higher doses of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients, without going overboard either.
Choosing the right galenic form for greater efficacy: The form in which supplements are presented has an impact on their efficacy. For example, dry tablets are often more concentrated than capsules. Opt for gastro-resistant capsules for probiotics or liquid concentrates for detoxification programs. Absolutely avoid gummies, which are not very concentrated and sometimes contain superfluous excipients.
Ask the laboratory for details: origin and controls: Don’t hesitate to contact the manufacturer’s laboratory for detailed information on the origin of ingredients and the quality controls carried out. Greater transparency on the part of the manufacturer is a sign of confidence for the consumer.

Beware of controversial ingredients and phytohormones: Certain ingredients, such as phytohormones, may present risks and contraindications. Before opting for a dietary supplement, carry out thorough research on reliable databases such as PubMed or Kalya, which specialize in nutrivigilance.

What is nutrivigilance? The aim of nutrivigilance is to improve consumer safety by rapidly identifying potential adverse effects linked to the consumption of certain foods. This ensures safety and the absence of harmful interactions.

What is the point of referring to the opinions and recommendations of health professionals?

Health professionals such as doctors, pharmacists and nutritionists can offer sound advice on dietary supplements. Their expertise can help you choose products tailored to your specific needs, avoiding the risks associated with drug interactions or adverse reactions.

Avoid excessive accumulation: The accumulation of similar supplements, particularly herbal ones, can be detrimental. It is recommended to limit accumulation, or to consult a healthcare professional or the laboratory for personalized advice before combining several supplements.

What are the pitfalls to avoid?

Miracle promises: Be skeptical of products that promise extraordinary or rapid results. Exaggerated claims are often an indicator of non-compliant products.

Over-dosing: Excessive doses of certain nutrients can be harmful to your health. Respect recommended dosages and avoid combining several supplements without medical advice.


In France, finding your way around food supplements involves prudence, knowledge of standards and regulations, and consultation with health professionals. By adopting an informed approach and checking product quality and safety, you can take full advantage of the benefits of dietary supplements while avoiding health risks.

The consumption of dietary supplements in France requires a reasoned and informed approach. By following this advice, you can take full advantage of the benefits of these products while ensuring your health and safety. Vigilance and education are the keys to making the right choices when it comes to food supplements.

To find out more about probitotics, you’ll find HERE our Live Expert Talk with Véronique Liesse, Nutritionist and nutrition trainer.

Our products

MiYé propose des solutions compléments alimentaires, fabriqués en France, Formules vegan et naturelles sans phytohormones pour accompagner notre corps à retrouver son état d’équilibre, de la puberté à la ménopause. Grâce à [MY] Essentiels Flore Intime et Intestinale qui agit pour protéger votre flore et retrouver votre bien être. [MY] Equilibre Féminin luttant contre tous les inconforts physique liés à notre équilibre féminin. [MY] Essentiels Sérénité afin de retrouver un équilibre hormonal et mental. Et [MY] Elixir Detox Peau Nette pour stimuler la détoxification et le drainage de l’organisme et favoriser une peau nette, sans imperfections et un teint éclatant.


MiYé offers food supplement solutions, made in France, with natural, vegan formulas and no phytohormones, to help our bodies regain their state of balance, from puberty to menopause. Thanks to [MY] Essentiels Flore Intime et Intestinale, which works to protect your flora and restore your well-being. [MY] Equilibre Féminin to fight all physical discomforts linked to our feminine balance. [MY] Essentiels Sérénité to restore hormonal and mental balance. And [MY] Elixir Detox Peau Nette to stimulate detoxification and drainage of the body and promote clear, blemish-free skin and a radiant complexion.


MiYé is a range dedicated to the female hormonal balance

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